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AdminChecklists.Daily History

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March 06, 2014, at 01:25 PM EST by Dave - Added page
March 06, 2014, at 01:25 PM EST by Dave - Added page
Added lines 1-10:
Things that should be done every day:

* Support Department:
** Upload a test sermon and verify that it can be played back. Cycle through all of the methods of publishing multimedia.
** Visit a random customer, browse their sermon page, and play back a sermon
** Log in to the [[|OS Ticket system]] and:
*** Respond immediately to new tickets
*** Respond to answered tickets:
**** If the customer has been given the resolution, but you've heard nothing back within a week, close the ticket.
**** If you've asked the customer for more information, but you've not had a response within two days, ask again.